Now that you've created a project, let us go ahead and to create lists in your project. 

Lists in Zepel let you break your project by specific features your team is working on. That way, you get to neatly organize your entire project and see where each feature stands.

As your project progress and your engineering team works on multiple features, you can easily organize your entire team based on the features they're working using Lists and drill into the details for each of them.

Lists in a project organized by features

And of course, if you chose to name your project by the feature your team is working on, you can create lists based on the teams involved in completing your feature.

How to create a list inside a project?

1. Once inside a project, click on the List tab.

2. Click on "Create List" button.

Lists Tab inside a Project

3. Give your list a name. 

4. Since projects in Zepel can have multiple Boards, you can select a default Board for every list you create. Click on the "Set Default List Board" drop down. You'll see a list of boards available in your project that can be set as a default board for your list.

NOTE: The drop down will show you a list of all boards added in the project.

5. Select one board from the drop down.

6. Give your List a description (if needed) to give your team more context on what your list represents.

7. Click "Create" button.

Once your list is created, you'll be taken inside your new list where you can create user stories, tasks, subtasks, bugs, and enhancements to complete your list.