The description area is where you will add detailed explanations, background information and user stories to tasks and items in your project. Obviously, you would want to go beyond plain-text blurbs and format your descriptions with rich styling options. 

With Markdown Formatting in Zepel, you can style and organize your item descriptions with headings, lists, code blocks and more. To style your item descriptions follow the Markdown Syntax Guide below:


Use "hash" before the text for each level of heading

# This is a first level heading <h1>
## This is a second level heading <h2>
### This is a third level heading <h3>

Bold and Italics

Wrap text within a single asterix or underscore for italics and two asterix or underscores to make them bold

**This text is bold**
__This text is also bold__

*This text is italicized*
_This text is also in italics_

This line has _**bold formatting** within italics_


Insert images with the format ![alt-text](image URL)

![Alt text for image](


Use asterix before each line for unordered list and numbers followed by a period for ordered lists

* This is an unordered list
* This is another point in the list
* This is the third point

1. This is an ordered list
1. This is the second point
1. This is the third point


Links you directly enter in descriptions will be automatically hyperlinked. To hyperlink a text or passage, use the format [link text](URL)

This is a [hyperlinked text](
This link is automatically hyperlinked:


Add quoted text by preceding each line with ">"

As Abe Lincoln once said:
> This text will be formatted
> as a quote in your description.

Horizontal rules

Use 3 underscores to create a horizontal line



Format code inline by wrapping it in backticks (tilde)

`<code-block>` adds an inline code block

Use 3 backticks (tilde key) to delimit multi-line code blocks

function magicWand(arg) {
  if(arg) {

Pre-formatted Text

Indent pre-formatted text blocks with 4 spaces

    This whole blurb
        of shiny text
        is wrapped within a block
    that preserves my formatting